June 9 Town Hall
Obesity and Older Adults - Van Nuys, CA

What happens when older adults face both ageism and weight stigma in the healthcare system?
This question was explored at the first of four town halls across the country to identify the gaps in care that cause Americans with obesity to be treated differently than those with other chronic diseases. Taking place in Van Nuys, CA on June 9 at the ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center, the meeting featured four prominent experts in gerontology, chronic disease and weight management and a panel of three older adults from the community who collectively addressed the misperceptions about overweight as a willpower problem and the continuing stigma of obesity and “being old” as persistent barriers to improved obesity care.
The town hall, which was attended by more the 60 older adults and community health professionals, also agreed that education about the disease of obesity and readily available information from credible medical institutions is needed to foster candid discussions between older adults and their health providers about the person’s weight status and effective obesity treatment options.